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Biografi Ir. Soekarno Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

Biografi Ir. Soekarno Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Ir. Soekarno, lahir dengan nama Kusno Sosrodihardjo pada 6 Juni 1901 di Surabaya, Jawa Timur, adalah salah satu tokoh paling penting dalam sejarah Indonesia. Beliau adalah proklamator kemerdekaan Indonesia dan Presiden pertama Republik Indonesia. Perjalanan hidupnya penuh dengan perjuangan dan pengorbanan demi kemerdekaan bangsa dari penjajahan.

Tentunya bagi kita perlu untuk mengetahui sejarah dan biogradi dari seorang pahlawan kita. Berikut adalah Biografi Ir. Soekarno dalam bahasa inggris singkat dan jelas.

Biografi Ir. Soekarno Dalam Bahasa Inggris


Ir. Soekarno, born Kusno Sosrodihardjo on June 6, 1901, in Surabaya, East Java, is one of the most significant figures in Indonesian history. He was the proclaimer of Indonesia's independence and the first President of the Republic of Indonesia. His life was filled with struggle and sacrifice for the independence of the nation from colonial rule.

Family Background and Education

Soekarno was the son of Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo, a primary school teacher, and Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai, a Balinese woman from a noble family. He was initially named Kusno by his parents, but due to frequent illness, his name was changed to Soekarno, following the Javanese belief that changing a name could alter one’s fate.

Soekarno’s education began at the Eerste Inlandse School, a primary school for natives in Mojokerto, and continued at the Europeesche Lagere School (ELS) in Mojokerto. After completing his primary education, Soekarno attended the Hoogere Burger School (HBS) in Surabaya. It was here that he was introduced to nationalist ideas through his interactions with Tjokroaminoto, a key figure in Sarekat Islam who became his political mentor.

Soekarno later pursued higher education at the Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng (now Bandung Institute of Technology) in 1921, where he studied civil engineering and earned the title of engineer (Ir.) in 1926.

Role in the National Movement

Soekarno became actively involved in the national movement during his college years. He founded the Algemeene Studie Club in Bandung in 1926, which later evolved into the Indonesian National Party (PNI) in 1927. The PNI was established with the goal of achieving Indonesia's independence from Dutch colonial rule. Soekarno's revolutionary political activities led to his arrest by the Dutch colonial government and imprisonment in Sukamiskin from 1929 to 1931.

After his release, Soekarno continued his struggle. He joined Partindo after the PNI was disbanded, but was arrested again and exiled to Ende, Flores, in 1933, and later transferred to Bengkulu in 1938. Despite being in exile, Soekarno's spirit to fight for independence never waned.

Proclamation of Independence and Presidency

Soekarno's struggle culminated during Japan's occupation of Indonesia during World War II. During the occupation, Soekarno, along with Mohammad Hatta and other nationalist leaders, saw an opportunity to prepare for Indonesia’s independence. On August 17, 1945, Soekarno and Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence, and Soekarno was elected as the first President of the Republic of Indonesia.

As President, Soekarno worked to build the foundations of a new, independent, and sovereign nation. He proposed the concept of "Nationalism, Religion, and Communism" (Nasakom) to unify the diverse elements within Indonesian society. Under his leadership, Indonesia hosted the Bandung Conference in 1955, a significant milestone in the history of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Leadership and Downfall

During his leadership, Soekarno faced numerous challenges, both domestically and internationally. His policies, which tended to be authoritarian, such as the implementation of Guided Democracy, and his involvement in international political conflicts like the Malaysia confrontation, led to growing dissatisfaction among the military and the public.

Soekarno's downfall began after the September 30 Movement (G30S/PKI) in 1965, when the military, under General Suharto, seized power. In 1967, Soekarno was forced to hand over power to Suharto, who then became Indonesia's second President.

Later Life and Legacy

Soekarno spent his final years in isolation at Wisma Yaso in Jakarta. He passed away on June 21, 1970, in a state of relative neglect by the then-ruling government. His body was buried in Blitar, East Java, beside his mother’s grave.

Ir. Soekarno left an invaluable legacy for the Indonesian nation. As the Proclaimer of Independence and the first President, Soekarno is remembered as a symbol of the struggle for independence and the unifier of the nation. His thoughts on nationalism, unity, and nationhood continue to inspire future generations.

This is the complete and detailed biography of Ir. Soekarno, a figure who played a pivotal role in Indonesia's history. His contributions will always be remembered as one of the founding fathers who led Indonesia to independence.

Istri-Istri Soekarno

Ir. Soekarno, the first President of Indonesia, was known to have had several wives throughout his life. Here is a complete list of his wives:

1. Oetari Tjokroaminoto (1921–1923)
Oetari was Soekarno's first wife, whom he married when he was very young. The marriage was arranged by Oetari's father, Tjokroaminoto, who was Soekarno's mentor. The marriage ended in divorce after a few years.

2. Inggit Garnasih (1923–1943)
Inggit was Soekarno's second wife. They were married for 20 years. Inggit supported Soekarno during his early years of political struggle, but the marriage ended in divorce when Inggit refused to allow Soekarno to take a second wife.

3. Fatmawati (1943–1956)
Fatmawati was Soekarno's third wife and the mother of several of his children, including Megawati Soekarnoputri, who later became the fifth President of Indonesia. Fatmawati was the woman who sewed the first Indonesian flag that was raised during the Proclamation of Independence on August 17, 1945. The marriage ended when Soekarno married another woman.

4.Hartini (1954–1970)
Hartini was Soekarno's fourth wife. They met while Soekarno was still married to Fatmawati. Their marriage was controversial and led to his separation from Fatmawati.
Kartini Manoppo (1959–1968)

Kartini was one of Soekarno's lesser-known wives and was married to him while he was still President. Their marriage was also controversial due to Soekarno's polygamous practices.

5. Ratna Sari Dewi Soekarno (1962–1970)
Born Naoko Nemoto, Ratna Sari Dewi was a Japanese woman whom Soekarno married while he was still President. She became one of his most famous wives due to her foreign origins and their significant age difference.

6. Haryati (1963–1966)
Haryati was a former dancer and one of Soekarno's younger wives. Their marriage lasted for a few years before ending in divorce.

7. Yurike Sanger (1964–1968)
Yurike was another of Soekarno's younger wives. She was still in her early twenties when she married Soekarno. Their marriage was relatively short-lived.

8. Heldy Djafar (1966–1969)
Heldy Djafar was Soekarno's last wife. They married when she was very young, and their marriage lasted only a few years before Soekarno's health declined.

Soekarno's marriages were often intertwined with his political life and reflected the complexities of his personal relationships and the cultural norms of his time.


Ir. Soekarno adalah sosok sentral dalam sejarah perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia dan menjadi Presiden pertama Republik Indonesia. Kehidupan dan perjuangannya ditandai oleh komitmen yang kuat terhadap nasionalisme, persatuan, dan kemerdekaan bangsa. Melalui berbagai tantangan dan pengorbanan, Soekarno berhasil membawa Indonesia keluar dari penjajahan dan meletakkan dasar-dasar negara yang merdeka dan berdaulat.

Meskipun masa kepemimpinannya tidak luput dari kontroversi, terutama terkait kebijakan otoriternya dan hubungannya dengan politik internasional, warisan Soekarno sebagai Bapak Proklamator dan pemersatu bangsa tetap abadi. Pemikirannya tentang kebangsaan dan persatuan terus menginspirasi generasi penerus, menjadikan Soekarno sebagai salah satu pahlawan terbesar dalam sejarah Indonesia.

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