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Characteristics of Santri

In the previous post, we have learned about who is a santri?.  Now, we will learn about the characteristics of santri.  

The following are the characteristics of santri

According to KH. Sahal Mahfudz, there are three characters possessed by santri, namely: The first firm in Aqeedah. Aqeedah is the foundation of a believer.

The second is tolerant in terms of syari'ah related to social guidance. In this field, santri are required to be creative and adapt to the environment, such as Wali Songo's teachings, who can innovate gently and invite people without coercion.

The third can accept various points of view on a social problem. People who have a broad perspective will be wise and do not like to blame others.

The fourth maintaining and prioritizing morals as a guide for daily attitudes and behavior. Because, morality is a barometer of the Prophet Muhammad, he was sent down to earth to perfect morals, respect the old, and love the young.

Meanwhile, according to Hamid in his book entitled "Pendidikan Karaker Berbasis Pesantren" explains that Islamic character values based on pesantren are values based on Islam ahlusunnah waljamaah, which consist of basic values, personal values, and social values.
The base value consists of four parts:
  1. Tawassut (moderate)
  2. Tawazun (balanced)
  3. Tasamuh (tolerance)
  4. I'tidal (fair)
Personal values consist of 11 parts:
  1. Faith and piety
  2. Good ability
  3. Discipline
  4. Good manners
  5. Compliance
  6. Independence
  7. Love of science
  8. Respect the teacher
  9. Glorifying the book
  10. Loving friends
  11. Uswatun hasanah (good example)
Social values consist of 5 parts:
  1. Blessing
  2. Sincerely
  3. Tawaduk (humble)
  4. Teacher's prayer
  5. The separation between men and women
That's an explanation of the characteristics of santri that we can present to you.

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